====================== Command line interface ====================== We provide a command line interface that can be used to :doc:`upload ` data and trigger workflows for :doc:`alerting `. Requirements ============ The provided calcite-cli uploader requires `Node.js `_ to be installed, with an access to the `npm `_ public servers. This also assumes that you know how to setup your CI so that it can call our command line tool. You can use the cli directly using ``npx``: ``npx @siliceum/calcite-cli [command arguments]`` or install it globally on your machine: ``npm install -g @siliceum/calcite-cli`` .. note:: Some environments require the command to be ran with ``sudo``. Alternatively, you can add it to your ``package.json`` file as a dev dependency (using ``npm install --save-dev @siliceum/calcite-cli``) so that ``npm install`` will download it locally.